The formation of Regional Health Research and Development Consortium (RHRDC) was formalized in the Republic Act No. 10532, known as the Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) Act of 2013.  RHRDCs, which have been in existence in 17 regions of the country for several years now were organized by the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) as a strategy to develop and/or enhance health research capabilities in the regions.  It serves as a vital structure that links together regional institutions engaged in or with interest in health research activities that impact on regional as well national health needs.  The RHRDC is expected to serve as the regional arm of the Philippine National Health Research System (PNHRS) and assist DOST-PCHRD in promoting health research culture, establishing mechanisms to strengthen health research capabilities, encourage collaboration and resource sharing between institutions, and promote the dissemination of regional/national health research agenda and utilization of health research results in the region.


In its effort to foster the pursuit of health R & D activities in the regions, PCHRD provides support for regional research projects through the Regional Research Fund (RRF) initiative. This initiative is viewed as a way to encourage beginning researchers to be actively involved in health research activities without having to compete with more experienced researchers.  The experience obtained from implementing simple yet relevant health research projects is expected to build up capabilities of individual researchers in designing, implementing and managing health research projects.  Once the researcher has been able to develop a track record, and given the availability of facilities, the researcher will be encouraged to apply for the larger scale research project/program grant initiative also available in DOST-PCHRD (through its Research and Development Management Division), DOST, DOH, CHED, as well as other national and international funding agencies.









The mechanism herein proposed covers the following areas of concern:


A.         Call for research proposals

B.         Evaluation of new project proposals

C.         Administration of research projects

D.        Monitoring of projects

E.         Evaluation of completed projects

F.         Submission of final reports


A.        Call for research proposals


What proposals may qualify


  Research proposals that will be reviewed by the MHRDC are those which address priority health challenges identified and/or covered in the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) of the Philippine National Health Research System. The proposals should also have a budgetary requirement not exceeding THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P300,000.00) and have a duration of 3-6 months. Each proposal should contain the following information:


1.       Title

2.       Introduction

3.       Review of Related Literature

4.       Objectives

5.       Methodology ( study design, population, site of study, study plan, case report form, variables )

6.       Expected Output

7.       Potential Users of Research Findings

8.       Time Frame

9.       Budget (Work and Financial Plan)


Prescribed format can be downloaded at the MHRDC website at






MHRDC Research Priorities include the following (Note: 1 – top priority):


1.      Herbal medicine for infectious diseases

2.      Nutrition and Functional foods

3.      Impact of Environment/ Climate Change on Health

4.      ICT in Health

5.      Financial Risk Protection

6.      Improving Access to Quality Hospitals

7.      Drug Discovery and Development

8.      Indigenous People

9.      Gender

10.  Chronobiology

**Note: Health-related researches will also be accepted by the consortium.


Who may apply 


    All researchers, may they be regular staff and/or faculty members, from MHRDC member institutions and agencies may submit proposals to the MHRDC, endorsed by their respective head of agency. Likewise, medical residents of hospitals may submit proposals provided that he or she will be working under the supervision of a more experienced researcher affiliated in the same institution. These proposals should be addressed for review to:



MIMAROPA Health Research and Development Consortium

c/o Department of Science and Technology IV-B (MIMAROPA)

2F Imelda Building, DOST Compound, Bicutan, Taguig City


Suggested deadline for submission of proposals:


All research proposals should be in on September 30, 2014, 12 NN.  Submit all proposals including endorsement letter to the MHRDC secretariat thru electronic mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject “Proposal for RRF”.




B.         Evaluation of Detailed Research Proposals


Technical Review


The proponent will send the proposal to the Research and Development Management Committee and the Ethics Committee.


The evaluation of proposals shall be done by sub-groups of the R&D Management Committee, composed of a biostatistician/epidemiologist and 2 content experts and the ethics committee composed of experts involved in law, environmental science, social science, health related field.  The Regional Program Officers (RPOs) and/or external consultants from PCHRD may join the RDC at any stage of the evaluation process.  The following criteria may be adopted by the RDC in the screening / evaluation process.


o   Merit/Urgency of the project


The project’s research finding should contribute to the broadening of existing knowledge in the field of science under investigation.  Likewise the project should provide an immediate solution to an urgent health problem in the region.


o   Adequacy, Clarity and Attainability of the Objectives


The objectives of the proposed project should be phrased clearly - unambiguously and very specifically – leaving no doubt as to what has to be measured.  They should express in measurable terms.


o   Soundness of methodological design and procedures as related to objectives


The methodology and procedures should meet scientific standards.  The sampling design, methods of data gathering, control of variables, experimental design and statistical treatment should be appropriate to address the objectives of the study.






o   Workability of task schedules based on methodology


The project should be workable considering existing constraints in laboratory equipment, technical know-how and manpower conditions. 


o   Capability and availability of researcher and institutional support


The proponent’s track record should show potential for success in the proposed research undertaking.  He/she must possess technical knowledge and/or skill necessary for the accomplishment of desired project objectives.  Considering other commitments, the proponent must have enough time to devote to the project.  In addition, the institution with which the proponent is affiliated should be committed to provide the proponent with technical/laboratory facilities and administrative support (e.g. accounting and auditing services).


o   Ethical Review/Clearance


Per DOST Administrative Order No.  091 (Series of 2006) dated March 3, 2006, all researches involving human subjects should be subjected to ethical review.  The Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB) of the PNHRS came up with the National Ethical Guidelines on Health Research which stipulates clear guidelines regarding composition of Ethics Review Committees (ERCs) in charge of evaluating the ethical soundness of research proposals. This document also serves as a guide for ERCs in reviewing researches on various topics.  The guidelines are updated every five years.


C.      Ranking of Research Proposals


In accordance with regional priorities, the RHRDC may rank the proposals submitted for possible funding using the attached criteria (see annex A) for ranking of research proposals.





D.   Administration of Research Projects


Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)


In consultation with PCHRD, DOST IV-B shall prepare the MOA of projects approved by the MHRDC.


The contracting parties are the DOST Regional Director, the MHRDC Chair, the project leader and the head of the recipient institution.  In cases where there are collaborators, the co-proponents of the project and the head/s of their institutions shall serve as witness to the MOA.


The MOA shall specify the obligations of the proponent and a clear definition of outputs expected from the project.


Grant release


Upon execution of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), the project’s grant shall be administered by the DOST IV-B and released to the proponent in tranches.  Fifty (50%) of the funds shall be released upon signing of the MOA.  Succeeding releases shall be made upon submission of required deliverables, as agreed in the MOA.


Deposit of Funds


The proponent shall deposit the grant in a checking account in any bank (preferably in Landbank) in the locality in the name of the project.  Disbursement of the grant shall be in accordance with the approved line-item budget and subject to existing government accounting and auditing laws, rules and procedures (DOST AO 004, Series of 2008).


Project Staff


The MHRDC should encourage development of project proposals that could be done by a project leader without the assistance of a research personnel/aide.  However, if the implementation of the project’s activities would need the assistance of a support staff, the project leader can:


1.         use the existing personnel of his/her institution


These personnel are those who are already employed in the same institution, the services of whom can be paid on honorarium basis.


2.         hire other personnel on a piece-meal basis


      These personnel are those who work for short duration, the length of which depends upon the availability of funds or the work to be done.


The rates of honoraria for hired personnel and/or project staff shall conform with the DOST’s Memorandum Circular No. 001 (Series of 2009) dated March 12, 2009, Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Grant of Honoraria to Personnel whose Services are Engaged by the National Science and Technology (S & T) System.


E.  Monitoring of Projects


Monitoring of projects shall be undertaken to check whether the implementation of projects is in accordance with the scheduled activities and budget. 

For this purpose, the project leader will be requested to submit required reports (using PCHRD RRF Progress Report Form - see Annex B) on the agreed schedule and submit the final report which contains the following information:


1.       Title of the Project

2.       Implementing Agency

3.       Project Leader

4.       Duration

5.       Date Approved/Started

6.       Period Covered by the Project

7.       Summary of Accomplishment

8.       Objectives

9.       Methodology:  design, materials procedures

10.   Results with figures/tables as necessary

11.   Problems encountered and solutions suggested

12.   Plan of work and target for the next period


F.   Submission of Final Report


One month after the completion of the project, two (2) copies of the final report including write-up in publishable form shall be submitted by the proponent to the MHRDC.  This report shall contain the following:


1.       acknowledgement:  source of data, donors, colleges

2.       abstracts (not more than one page)

3.       introduction (include objectives)

4.       review of literature

5.       methodology:  design, materials, procedures

6.       results (with figures/tables as necessary)

7.       discussions/conclusions

8.       references

9.       appendices, if any tables, charts, publications arising from the research,  others

10.   plans to promote the results of the R & D project


The RDC shall review the submitted final reports and recommend revisions, if needed, to improve presentation of project outputs.  The MHRDC shall furnish copies of the revised final reports to PCHRD.


G.   Evaluation of Completed Projects


Completed projects will be presented in an inter-regional forum consisting of project implementers, members of the MHRDC, end-users, and PCHRD consultants.  The presentation shall highlight the results, discussions and recommendations of the study.



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